HSU Cowboy Access

“牛仔通道”是一项创新计划,确保所有本科生在上课的第一天就能负担得起所需的课程材料. As a nationally-ranked private university for affordability, HSU is committed to removing financial barriers for students. This program strives to promote affordability, 方便, 可访问性, 以及整个HSU校园的透明度.


  1. 教师 provide their required course materials to the bookstore.
  2. Undergraduate students register for their courses, automatically enrolling them Cowboy Access and charging their student account.
  3. 书店准备学生的材料,让他们在上课的第一天准备好.
  4. 学生和教师可以直接在Canvas中访问他们的数字材料,也可以从书店中访问物理材料.
  5. 教师和学生都有正确的选择, required materials and can begin learning on day one of class.


  • Improves course material access, 方便, and affordability
  • Students save up to 60% on required course materials
  • Ensures all students are prepared with their materials by day one
  • 减少学生的压力,准备不足,和需要长时间等待沉重的教科书
  • Maintains faculty’s academic freedom and allows teaching to begin day one
  • Encourages pricing transparency and student choice


HSU students will be automatically enrolled in the Cowboy Access program, 让他们在第一天上课时就能立即获得材料,并营造一个准备充分、积极参与的学习环境. While we encourage students to stay enrolled, an opt-out option is available. 学生可以在DROP/ADD期限的最后一天之前选择退出,并将自动获得全额退款. 请查看学校的电子邮件,了解如何登录“选择退出”门户网站,并查看流程和具体截止日期.


Cowboy Access免去了获取学生课程材料的麻烦,因为费用已经包含在学生账户的费用中. 这使得每个注册的学生都可以在开学当天或之前获得所有必需的材料 第一天上课. 一旦他们选择了他们的课程,他们的课程列表将被发送到校园书店. The Campus Bookstore gets everything ready for them. 他们所需要做的就是查看学校的电子邮件,了解如何访问他们这学期的课程材料.


你们学校正在参加“牛仔通道”计划,为学生节省20-60%的必修课程材料! 而所有的学生都是自动注册的, 学生有机会选择退出或选择重新加入在drop-add期间. Students who would like to review the option to opt-out of the program, 请参阅标题为“该计划是必需的还是我可以选择退出该计划”的常见问题解答。.


一旦学生注册了课程,书店就会为他们准备好一切! 学生将收到确认电子邮件,分享在学习管理系统中访问数字材料的详细信息. 如果学生有实物材料, the campus store will communicate with them when they can pick up these materials.



There are many benefits to faculty, including:

  • No restraint on academic freedom as instructors choose their content
  • Knowing students have the correct book edition and can begin teaching on day one.
  • 学生们上课前就做好了准备,可以在上课的第一天就开始布置家庭作业.
  • Ability to deliver digital materials directly in the campus LMS.


There are many benefits to students, including:

  • 20-60% lower than equivalent pricing for course materials.
  • Deferred student billing direct to student accounts.
  • Course materials available day one with no waiting in line with heavy books.
  • Digital platforms offer key features such as: highlighting, flash cards & note-sharing, leading to greater success in the course.
  • Reduced stress related to finding and purchasing the correct course materials.


是的! 在其他学校的基础上,学生可以节省20-60%的费用,这要归功于校园商店与出版合作伙伴的关系和批量购买力. 该计划还减少了学生在购买过程中的压力,并提供了一种轻松访问的方法, manage and use all course materials regardless of format or cost.



Depending on their classes and the course materials required by the faculty, they may receive a combination of digital course materials, 印刷教科书, 打印实验室手册, 或者练习册.

  • 数码课程资料: If you are receiving digital course materials through Cowboy Access, they will be automatically available in Canvas once the course officially begins. 如果您在本学期drop /ADD期限的最后一天或之前从您的时间表中退出课程(请查看此处的学术日历): http://14tx.mng-cz.com/academics/academic-resources/academic-calendar/) your account will automatically be fully refunded.
  • 物理课程材料: 如果您正在接收印刷材料, 您将收到一封电子邮件,确认您的材料已准备好领取,并告知如何将您的材料运送. 店内取件, 请携带学生证到华大书店网上取书处领取课程资料.

Digital formatted materials help keep the price of Cowboy Access affordable. 然而, 印刷活页材料可根据要求在个案基础上提供,并收取额外费用. 请与中大书店联系.


Required materials are supplied at the beginning of each term. The materials will be accessible on or before the 第一天上课. Students should continue to check their school email from noreply@follett.com 在每学期开始之前.

Can students have my printed learning materials shipped to them?

是的! 印刷材料, students will receive an email when the materials are ready for pick-up in-store, or students can choose to have them shipped at an additional cost. Students should contact their campus store at bookstore@mng-cz.com 或(325)670-1322查询详情.

Do students get to keep their materials at the end of each term?

Printed materials are theirs to keep at the end of each term. 数字材料的访问时间至少为180天,根据所采用的材料和出版商的条款,可以提供更长的时间.

Can students choose if they want print or digital materials?

印刷或数字格式是根据上课前特定课程采用的材料确定的. 学生们应该和他们的老师核实一下,看看这门课选择了什么形式.


如果学生有合格的残疾,需要打印版本或其他便利, they should contact 可访问性 Services for more information.

Are recommended course materials included in the Access program?

只有教师认定为“必需”的材料才包括在牛仔访问计划中. 所有“推荐”的材料将在HSU书店单独购买.


Is Cowboy Access required, or can students opt-out of the program?

而所有的学生都是自动注册的 in the Access program, 学生可以选择退出,然后负责独立寻找/购买他们的材料. Students must take action to opt-out of the program.

How do students opt-out/do they need to opt out each term?

All students are automatically included in the Cowboy Access program; however, students may opt-out of the program during specified opt-out periods. 学生可以在每学期开始时选择退出“牛仔通道”. 退出:

  • 学生应查看学校的电子邮件,了解如何登录“选择退出”门户网站,并查看流程和具体截止日期. 电子邮件将来自 bookstore@mng-cz.com, so students may need to check spam or junk folders.

For all other questions, students should contact their campus store at bookstore@mng-cz.com 或(325)670-1322 for information on how to opt-out.

What are the opt-out dates for this academic year?

All students are automatically included in Cowboy Access; however, students may opt-out of the program during the following opt-out before the 8th class day of each term (Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer).

What if a student opted-out by mistake or changed their mind?

如果选择退出期尚未结束, students can opt back in by going to the opt-out portal and choosing “Opt-In”. 他们可以通过点击学校提供的选择退出链接或查看学校电子邮件以获得选择退出门户的链接来登录选择退出门户.




  • 添加课程: 添加课程后24小时内, 学生将在他们的学校电子邮件地址收到一封电子邮件,其中包含访问数字材料的详细信息,并且/或材料将直接提供给LMS. 印刷材料, 学生将收到一封电子邮件到他们的学校电子邮件地址,让他们知道什么时候新的印刷材料准备好了.
  • 减少课程: For courses dropped prior to the last day to drop/add/opt-out deadline, access to electronic or digital materials will be automatically disabled. Printed materials must be returned to the campus bookstore.


If that course includes printed material, that material is the student’s to keep. 如果该课程包含数字材料, the length of access is dependent on those specific materials. 请与中大书店联络 bookstore@mng-cz.com 或(325)670-1322查询详情.

I have questions that were not answered in these FAQs. 我从哪里可以得到更多的信息?

Any additional questions, please contact your campus store team at bookstore@mng-cz.com 或(325)670-1322.